Reading and Writing
This week students will be a working on descriptive writing by making their very own Angry Bird! They will work hard to plan out what their bird will look like, create it with the help of a toilet paper roll, and then write about their birds leaving out those “boring” words and adding powerful words instead!
While reading a selection of Mother’s Day books we’ll begin working on our Mother’s Day projects.
During the next few weeks we’ll assess the reading progress on each child. This assessment is done at the beginning of the year and again at the end of the year. It is always so exciting to see their growth!
We will practice our words throughout the week and check for understanding on Friday.
We are beginning a new unit on multiplication this week! We will look at different situations and see how multiplication can help us. If a mushroom has 3 groups of 4 spots, how many spots does it have? If you give a cat 4 cupcakes with 5 sprinkles each, how many sprinkles does he have? We will also learn about arrays and practice using them to help us solve different problems.
This week in science the students will identify factors in the environment, including temperature and precipitation, that affect growth and behavior such as migration, hibernation, and dormancy of living things. We’ll discuss temperature and how it affects the behavior of living things. Do you think the warmer the temperature the more active the animals are? We’ll investigate the Mexican jumping beans and find out!
No life journals this week
Field day is on Friday, May 2nd
****There will be stations where your child will get wet so please provide a towel and change of clothes.
Spelling check on Friday
Library day is Wednesday
Early Release Day: May 7th