Friday, September 20, 2013

Hi Parents,

Our next component of Daily 5 is called Read to Someone. We will practice sitting elbow to elbow, knee to knee and learn about different ways to read with a partner.

Our reading skill for the week focuses on connections. We will learn that good readers take what they have read and connect it to a past experience. Through books like Wemberly Worried and Roxaboxen we will learn about making text-to-self connections, text-to-text connections, and text-to-world connections. When reading this week at home, ask your child to think about what connections they can make.

Next week our writing will align with the school’s Education Go Get It theme. The focus at the school will be going to college. Our writing will focus on deciding on a career we would enjoy and then thinking about the choices we need to make to get there. We will be discussing careers, what college we could attend or what training we would need, and choices we need to make in school to get to the college we want to go to. It would really help your child to talk these ideas out with you at home before we begin in school. I will tell them on Friday to think about a career they would like to have and that they might want to do some research at home to be prepared. On Monday they will be picking a career they would like in class and designing a “dream board” of their career, school, and college dreams. We will then turn that into our writing piece for the week. This is a really cute activity, and it is always fun to see the ideas the kids come up with for their future!

Our spelling words focus on beginning blend sounds, such as stop, twin, and scan. Words will go home on Monday and we will check our learning on Friday.

We will continue working with place value this week. “Peeking at Place Value” will will be a fun activity to get us moving around the room searching for big numbers. We will work on matching number words to the numbers in standard form to 1,200. How do you know if a number is odd or even? We’ll learn the strategies to make it as easy as 1, 2, 3! Students will become Place Value Detectives and search for number clues to solve an exciting mystery! Number lines and order will be an active lesson as we create a human number line and discuss points on a line. At the end of the week, students will have a place value assessment.

We are starting our first unit in science this week! We’ll understand what a scientist does, the scientific method, and have the opportunity to be scientists ourselves! At the end of the week, we’ll be performing two exciting experiments! If you would like to help donate any of the supplies below, please email me letting me know what materials you will donate.

Supplies needed for experiment:
5 Lemons
Liquid Soap (Ivory or Dawn)
Small Baking Soda
2 large Vegetable Oil
2 Alka Seltzer packages
2 packages of food coloring (assorted colors)

Next week is Education Go Get It Week:
Monday: “Give a Hoot/College Bound” Students and teachers wear Kathy Caraway t-shirts.
Tuesday: “Dress for Success” Students dress up in career outfits or as if they are going for an interview.
Wednesday: “Step up for Education” Students and teachers wear sneakers or tennis shoes.
Thursday: “Hats off to College” Students and teachers wear favorite collegiate hat.
Friday: “Show Your College Spirit” Students and teachers wear their favorite collegiate t-shirt.

September 25th is an early release day. School will end at 12:45. That night is also Family Skate Night starting at 6:30.

School pictures are October 3rd. Order forms went home in last week’s Tuesday folders. Pictures must be ordered ahead of time!