Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 9-13

We are continuing to practice the Read to Self portion of Daily 5. We are hoping to make it to 20 minutes of sustained silent reading this week! Our reading skill for the week is making predictions. Through guided and independent practice, we will be able to thoughtfully guess what will happen next!

In writing we are beginning to launch our Writer's Workshop. We'll read The Best Story and brainstorm ideas in our writing journal of possible writing topics that we would like to write about this year. We will focus on telling stories through illustrations and draw a picture of something that has happened to us. We'll work on using the pictures to tell a friend the story before we write them. Tapping into the dramatic side, we'll discuss acting it out and using interesting descriptions to tell a story. Each of us always has a story in our pockets; we just have to find it, take it out and share. At the end of the week, we will model writing a story with pictures and how to sound out words they get stuck on. Having this strategy will show students how to move forward with writing stories without getting stuck on a word. Picking a story from the heart will be a lifelong skill and will encourage our students to be awesome storytellers and writers!

Spelling words will come home this week. This first unit focuses on short vowel sounds. There will be a short assessment on Friday. More details will be given at Open House.

Graphing Galore is happening this week! We are going to take surveys, make tally charts, collect information and sort them into categories to make organizing our data easier. Have you ever made a pictograph with real shoes? What's your favorite weekend activity? We will gather information and learn how to answer questions and analyze our graphs as problem solvers. Our first Tuesday math homework will go in this week's Tuesday folders. Please complete and return on Wednesday.

Social Studies
This week we will be learning all about maps. We will discuss the purpose of maps and learn to interpret the basic elements such as title, compass rose, and legends. Students will also understand the location of the continents and oceans.

•Open House is Monday! 2nd grade's time is from 6:30-7, with a PTA meeting immediately after in the cafeteria. If you have older children, grades 3-5's time is from 7:30-8. Come and learn more about what to expect as the year goes on!
•Please make sure your child's agenda comes back to school each day!