Friday, November 15, 2013

Hi Parents,

This week will mainly be about main idea! We will learn to look for clues to help us find the main idea and see how it is different from the topic of the book. We will also learn how to find details that support the main idea.

This week in writing we will be helping Tom Turkey disguise himself for the coming holiday! First we will take our Turkey pictures and have fun coming up with a disguise and decorating our turkey. If you can donate supplies like fabric, buttons, pom poms, glitter, tin foil or other craft items they would be appreciated. Once we have our turkeys dressed as flower pots, robots, Santa Claus or other fun characters we will write a descriptive paragraph from the point of view of the turkey describing their disguise! It will be a fun and cute activity, and I can’t wait to see the kid’s turkey creations in the hallway!

Our spelling words focus on words with the long e pattern. Words will go home on Monday and we will check our learning on Friday.

This week we will continue our unit on large numbers. We will begin the week with two-digit subtraction by tens and then increase to larger numbers. We’ll challenge ourselves to see if when subtracting large numbers whether or not re-grouping is necessary. We’ll also discuss how we can use our knowledge of our doubles addition to help us with subtraction and how this as a strategy.
Looking for something extra to challenge your child?
A fun activity for them throughout this unit is to give them the sum and ask them how many ways they can make this number. Or give them the difference and ask them how many ways they can solve a problem and get that answer. Using math vocabulary everyday will increase your child’s understanding of these concepts.
Examples of ways to challenge your child at home for enrichment:

_______ + ________= 16 (How many ways can you make this sum?)
_______ - _______= 8 (How many ways can you make this difference?)
______ + 9 = ________ (the sum has to be less than 30)
______ + 9 = ________ (the sum can’t be more than 30)

*Parents, you can do this with any numbers and it’s a great brain challenge!

Please remember that math facts are just as important as reading. Please continue to practice math facts at home. Our goal is for students to recall addition and subtraction facts to 20 with automaticity. This skill will continue throughout the year and we appreciate your support in working at home to reinforce through daily life situations.

“Do you hear what I hear?” - many sounds are going on in our room this week while we learn about sound energy and how it works. We will practice making science equations using heat, light and sound energy. Sound stations will be set up to explore the increase and decrease in sound.

Life journals are due on Friday.
Library day is Wednesday.
Pajama Flashlight Reading Night is Tuesday in the library. Come read in the library from 6-7:30!
Turkey Trot in PE: Tuesday, November 26th, come join us!
No school: November 27th-November 29th. Happy Thanksgiving!
Early Release Day: December 4th